Choosing Beautiful Motorized Furniture

When thinking of reclining furniture, most may have an image of an overstuffed, bulky, unattractive piece that might even have a drink holder built in the arm (not a Designer’s favorite look!) Some may think of a reclining piece of furniture as problematic, too much work or just “theatre room/man cave” furniture. 

Modern Reclining Furniture

This gorgeous Stickley piece would fit into any chic home design - and you’d never know it was motorized!

This gorgeous Stickley piece would fit into any chic home design - and you’d never know it was motorized!

Oh, how reclining furniture has evolved over the years! And the options! The new frames look like your standard sofa or chair, can come in multiple sizes, can come as manual or motorized, inclining, or reclining, with articulating headrests, and can come in leather or fabric. 

Would you believe that this sofa is a motorized reclining sofa? Well it is! This frame shows you just how much the looks have changed over the years and how the style of frames can easily fit in your formal or casual living room/family rooms.

Why Choose Reclining Furniture?

So, why a reclining piece? You may not know this, but they can help with circulation, achy joints, and back issues. When you are in a relaxed position it alleviates stress and allows your body to rest. Reclining pieces also make for a great spot to cozy up and watch a movie or read a good book. There are even those who might want this for medical reasons - in those cases, you might consider a lift recliner. This type of recliner will completely lie flat as well as stand you up for easy access out of the chair. 

Reclining Furniture Options

Not all motorized furniture needs to look like movie theater seating!

Not all motorized furniture needs to look like movie theater seating!

At this point, you may be wondering what your motorized furniture options are.

Motorized vs. Manual Recliners

There are two main options - motorized pieces, which Motorized are very common in many of the frames we sell here at Knilans’.

An advantage to this feature is you can stop your piece at any position, where typically with a manual you have only 2-3 positions and sometimes when you move around it pops you out of position. Maybe you find yourself most comfortable in a position where your feet are only slightly elevated, this can be achieved with the motorized option. Don’t have an outlet near the piece or don’t want to see a cord? No problem, many vendors offer a battery pack that you charge and plug into your piece. These generally last for several hundred uses before needing to recharge.

Reclining Sofas

When talking about ‘reclining furniture,’ most people picture the standard armchair, which can be a great addition to a room. Here at Knilans’, we’re also big fans of reclining sofas and loveseats! Some sofas can come with multiple seats that recline and have many different sizes and styles to choose from.

If you don’t have much room and your sofa needs to sit against a wall, an incliner option would work best for you. An incliner reclines within its own space and doesn’t need the space between the wall and your furniture to function.


Have a sore neck from being reclined and struggling to see your tv? You would greatly benefit from the articulating headrest. This motorized feature only takes the quick touch of a button to adjust your headrest to be comfortable no matter what position you are in. 

How to Learn More

I trust this helped you understand some of the many features and options when considering a reclining piece of furniture for your home. Have more questions or want to make an appointment with a Designer? Give us a call!

Nicole Martinez