Why Use a Designer? By: Lori Rochau, Knilans' Designer


“It’s my home - why would I invite some stranger in to tell me what to do?” Right? Believe it or not, spending a little more time and money up front can save you in the long run.

A designer’s job is really to be your invisible support staff. Let’s face it, most people only walk into a furniture store when there’s a “need.” Something’s falling apart, I have guests coming, I’ve moved... You get the picture. Often the immediate “need” gets covered, but is it the right choice, long term?

Instead of waiting until something goes wrong, work with a designer ahead of time. A designer starts by making a house call and looking at your space. We take measurements & pictures. Then, we ask lots of questions about your lifestyle, needs & preferences.


The next step of the process is the floor plan. This is where we are able to determine the best size for pieces and the best furniture arrangement. 

Once you have a “design” you can move forward at your own pace. Because of the designer’s work, you will know exactly what size to look for in anything from a rug to a sofa.

Another time to use a designer is when you’re building a new home! Yes, many builders have a “designer” on their staff. However, the focus tends to be on choosing flooring, tile and paint options. Having your Knilans’ designer involved from the start will help create a beautiful space that feels like home.


A professional interior designer knows to ask all the right questions: Are rooms the right size for furniture? Are there floor outlets in your open concept plan? By the way, why would you put a light switch, thermostat etc. in the middle of the wall where we would like to see art? This is also the perfect time to install mechanicals for motorized window treatments. It’s easier to change a plan made on paper, before you build, than to wait until walls are up!

Having a plan also allows you to prioritize the most important pieces and align your budget accordingly.

Whether you’re planning to re-design an existing room, or creating a new home, when you have the plan, you can make informed decisions. Is that bargain piece really a bargain? Not if you have to replace it! This is why we always recommend using a designer: it saves you time and money in the long run.

By: Lori Rochau, Knilans’ Interior Designer

Lori Rochau